About me!
Hello, I'm Merlin, wearer of hats, keeper of dream journals, and soon-to-be maker of scarves. I'm also a writer, master's student, and lover of all things art and media. I hope to use this site to talk about the many things that strike my fancy at any given time. I am what you'd call "stuck in a time loop" at the moment(s), which makes things awfully difficult, but what can you do?
Here is the link to my Neocities page.
Reading: Vampires of El Norte by Isabel CaƱas, House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski
Listening: "Miracle, Baby" by Nothing But Thieves, Night Vale Weather playlists
Loving: American Girl movies, Slip skirts, Always theatre, Doomed remote expeditions, Water imagery, Medium as a rhetorical device, Titles with punctuation
Working on: Outlining my novel, a couple textile projects
Upcoming: Monthly watch summary, Malevolent essay on medium